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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 27 Jui 2005 07:30 #2751

  • rafael
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Yesterday i saw a great lenny show in Nijmegen, near my hometown.
Same setlist as paris, minus the long jams and the number "Be:.
Still it was a great concert.
I was in "pole position"in the park. Other acts were Keane and REM. But Lenny got the crowd really going!!!!

Greetings to my french friends :coucou:

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 27 Jui 2005 11:39 #2759

  • krvtz
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check out more pictures at my site:

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 27 Jui 2005 13:08 #2764

  • Arkantalis
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Thanx guys !!!
Happy to see that the webmaster of Lenny Kr@vitz is a member of this forum !!! :clic: :+king:

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 27 Jui 2005 16:38 #2771

  • rafael
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stond je naast mij of zo....hoe zag jij eruit?

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 27 Jui 2005 17:34 #2772

  • lennyboy
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oui ben la g pas tout compris par contre :grat:

en traduction ca donne koi?

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 27 Jui 2005 18:05 #2774

  • arnowr
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je parle chinois mais ca ca n'en n'est pas, en fait je sais pas si ca existe, j'ai rien compris non plus; Flo toi qui parle si bien :ok: peux tu nous aider?

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 27 Jui 2005 19:23 #2784

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:blee: Euh bah moi et le Hollandais cela fait 2, voir 3....... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: J'y comprends rien...... :oh:

Krvtz, I love your web site, and it a great pictures. Thanks..... :langue: :langue:
J'irais au bout de mes rêves... Où la raison s'achève...

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 27 Jui 2005 20:39 #2795

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:blee: Euh bah moi et le Hollandais cela fait 2, voir 3....... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: J'y comprends rien...... :oh:

Krvtz, I love your web site, and it a great pictures. Thanks..... :langue: :langue:

you're welcome :)

rafael asked me if i stood next to him at the concert and what I looked like.
i was wearing jeans and a black sleeveless shirt and have glasses and short borwn hair.

(I wish my French would be a bit better, so I could post here in French..sorry :()

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 28 Jui 2005 15:32 #2806

  • Arkantalis
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stond je naast mij of zo....hoe zag jij eruit?

Please speak in english rafael... :blahh:

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 28 Jui 2005 20:15 #2818

  • rafael
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stond je naast mij of zo....hoe zag jij eruit?

Please speak in english rafael... :blahh:

sorry guys :ok:

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 28 Jui 2005 21:43 #2821

  • Arkantalis
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So what did you want to say?

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 28 Jui 2005 23:27 #2823

  • rafael
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So what did you want to say?

because i have almost the exact pictures of kravitz taken from the same point i wondered if i would recognise the person who made them so i asked where he was standing....nothing really special

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 29 Jui 2005 09:40 #2824

  • Arkantalis
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We were just in front of the stage raf, you were on the 2nd row isn't it?

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Lenny Rocks in Nijmegen (Holland) 29 Jui 2005 09:51 #2825

  • rafael
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We were just in front of the stage raf, you were on the 2nd row isn't it?

do you mean paris or nijmegen? In both places i was in front of the stage.

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